The little book of coaching

The Little Book of Coaching by Ken Blanchard and Don Shula

From co-author of one of my favourite management book series – The One Minute Manager. Some inspirational quotes below:

“What do you stand for? If we asked your colleagues, team members, or clients what your principles are, would they be able to tell us? What is the main message you broadcast to people based on your daily actions and words?”

“Make sure everyone knows what the target is.”

“How you rebound from a setback speaks volumes about who you are.”

“All great results are built on the foundation of practice and preparation. So get overprepared and help your people do the same.“

“Perfection happens only when the mechanics are automatic, and overlearning is the only way to make that happen.”

Overlearning means that the players are so prepared for a game that they have the skill and confidence needed to make the big play.”

“People in organisations should develop a fascination with what doesn’t work. Every mistake should be noticed and corrected on the spot. There’s no such thing as a small error or flaw that can be easily overlooked.”

“I don’t keep anything inside me. What you see is what you get.”

Adaptation is not allowing yourself to give in to circumstances; it’s allowing those circumstances to give you success.”

“Effective leaders are predictable in their response to performance.”

“A winning coach can’t afford to let he little things go unnoticed because that often sells the difference between success and failure.”

“There are four consequences or responses people can receive after they perform or do something. 

– no response, this is the most common one

– negative, the next most common one, “seagull managers”

– redirection, focuses his or her energy back o what the original goal was 

– positive, when something positive follows people’s good performance, they will want to repeat that good performance in the future. People tend to move toward pleasure.”

“A good reprimand is specific; it includes your feelings and ends by affirming the person.”

“From time to time, some of people you coach are going to test your limits. You have to pass these tests. You can’t tolerate flagrant misbehaviour or infractions of your rules.

“Finally, and maybe most importantly, champion coaches operate out of unquestionable integrity. They call it the way they see it. They do not have hidden agendas. They do not say one thing but mean another. They do not manipulate people. They are genuine and sincere.“

“Victory if possible, integrity at all costs.

Never ask your people to do more than you are willing to do. “

“There are few things better than a good laugh.”

A sense of humour helps you keep things in perspective. Humour also permits you to accept criticism without getting consumed by it.”

“Popularity is temporary. Respect is timeless.

“I don’t know any other way to lead but by example.”

“The real difference in coaching is about believing in someone and then taking action to help that person be his or her very best.”

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